
Here's something to tide ye guys over, or something...

Heres another thing to tide you over. There's a poll to see who's a best character so far. So far. You can find it here.

Ack. I appear to have cut my hand. Well, thats nothing compared to what happened to a co-worker today. He fell off a ladder and landed on cement face first. He SHOULD be ok, by my rekoning.
I figure at worst he's got a broken nose and a few loose teeth, from what I've heard from people who were standing around gawking. Atleast everyone who was gawking realy genuinely cared, unlike I hear you big city folk get, where people just swarm and go "OOH! BLOOD! COOL!"

By the way, Pirates of the Carabian is AWESOME. Go see it now! Shoo! Run! You can read the comic later! You can ALLWAYS read the comic later! Just... remember to read it. ^__^

- Jess
posted by Ankha  # 10:38 PM


o_O its working now. Unfortunatly, I'm getting some sort of pop up window that tells me that someone hates that I get pop up windows just like that just as much if not more than I do, so theyre telling me to get their program to kill it.... using thos pop up windows... Does this sound like a scam to you? Cause it does to me. Some sort of message sent to get you to install some program that MIGHT do what its suposed to, but then opens up your computer with a trojan so that they can scare your mom when she stops by, by opening the CD door spontaniously... or whlie youre playing like, BF1943, or Diablo 2...
In any case, I'm back. I wont be able to get my graphics programs up and running for a while though... I'm still fine tuning my system, and I wanna get everything just right before I do anything funny... like work... You see, I had to reformat, like I thought I did... but I didnt... I reinstalled Windows XP, and it said it'd reformat my hard drive, though not in so many words... well, it reinstalled windows, and now SWG works even better than it did before. Hm. Interesting... BUT all my files and stuff are still here... including EQ... That raises a question in me. What the fuck happened? So it didnt reformat? Then why the hell did I back up all my files? AND why the hell cant I access the drive I just backed all my godamn files to!? *stomps*

Grr! Thats the kind of thing I wanna get working before I start working! I wanna save all my stuff to my secondary HD (the big one) so that if I ever need to reformat again, I dont have to back it up to loose it again. This way it'll be ready to be lost without me having to copy and paste anything. God, damn.

- Jess, the not quite so tormented as before one.
posted by Ankha  # 12:57 AM



Sorry folks, my computer died yesterday. I'm actualy in the building that houses my ISP... I think I've just made new friends. :D

I guess I get to reformat though. We havent been able to figure out whats goin on. What do I have to say about this? DAMN. DAMN DAMN DAMN.

Well, I'd better get to it... The computer's workin, but it wont run my games... and well, I'm a gamer... I can work on the comic, but I cant play games. So theres no point to life. Heh... That and the writer (kait) hasnt contacted me today, so we couldnt go out to lunch like we usualy do on tuesdays.

Aaaaaggggghhhhh.... Star wars... I miss you..!
Wwaaahhhhhhghh.... EverQuest... I miss you too!!!
*screams and crys in agony*

- Jess, the tormented one.
posted by Ankha  # 5:13 PM


Today was hectic. I was the only one at work all day... HOWEVER, Kaits brother stopped by the place and volunteered, which should get his foot in the door for a job there. I'm definetly putting in a good word. I mean, he freakin alphabetized the books we sell... in under 3 minuts, and we have around 100... Astounding..!
Yeah, so I figured out what the f*ck is wrong with my copy of Star Wars Galaxies... My video card, as powerful as it is, as from ATI itself as it is, the thing doesnt like Texture Baking. Whats this, you might ask? Well, I think it has something to do with layers of textures, or skins, which can have transparencies, therefore letting you see layers under that, and under that if there are transparencies, etc. I hear Doom 3 is goina have 4 layers on EVERY model, and random holes on the zombies and junk, so EVERY enemy you encounter will be individual. I think I'm looking forward to something akin to a fully interactive horror/psycho-thriller/gore-fest movie. I just hope theyre not making the same game over again with better graphics... AGAIN... Remember Doom for the 32X? For the SNES? Doom 64? All the same damn game. Better graphics each time, the first two just barely, marginaly better, but the same damn game.

So far, let me say, in SWG I've recreated my character 3 times. I chose brawler as my class the first few times... Mistake. Artisan seems to be pretty good. Atleast I can kill stuff with my artisan. Alot of stuff.

So if youre interested in finding me online, I'm named something along the lines of "Mister'E' Pryze." Pretty good, huh? Heh heh, I'm happy with that name... The reason I'm not entirely sure is that In remaking him 5 or 6 times (half of which just trying to get the damn game to stop freezing, crashing, or simply cutting out on the video) I didnt get to name him the same thing each time... so there's about 6 versions of my name taken already. Dont bother tryin to take another like it. I already did. heh heh heh... I just hope I look cool. I realy have no idea what kind of facial hair I have, or anything, cause I have some sort of trashcan for a head on my computer... Hmm, maybe a paper-shredder. Its more of a paper shredder shaped head... Or a cheese grater... Oh, I know, printer. In any case I look like I've been hit repeatedly in the face with a snow shovel, and then had some sort of cruel plastic surgery to make my face tiny in proportion to the actual head. Remember EverQuests old character models? Ya know what? This is worse than the first ones. Easily.

Atleast it works, and I'm having fun. Off to sleep, then work, then I work on the comic! Yeah, bout damn time, eh?

- Jess
posted by Ankha  # 2:34 AM


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